I still enjoy listening to this energic and youthful sounding theme song from the 80's cartoon called Heathcliff. I can't really recall much about the storyline, except that it's a story about a group of alley cats and their adventures.
Nevertheless, here's the video, plus the song lyrics. I got the lyrics from surfing the internet and I can't guarantee if they're accurate. There are some parts of the song where I can't make out the words to verify. But they're still good enough to sing along with the video!
Song Lyrics:
Heathcliff, Heathcliff no one should
Terrify their neighborhood.
But Heathcliff just won’t be undone,
Playing pranks on everyone.
There’s a race to be on top,
The competition doesn’t stop.
Mixing it with the ladies man,
Being charming debonair.
The gang will rein supreme,
And no one can deny-ny-ny-ny.
They’ll make some history,
And always have an alibi-i.
So join in the jubilee,
The cats are great, they’ll all agree.
You’ll find in each calamity,
The cat’s superiority.
Huh, ah oh, oh ah oh, uh uh...
Huh oh ah, ah oh, oh ah oh, uh uh...
Heathcliff, Heathcliff no one should,
Terrify their neighborhood.
But Heathcliff just won’t be undone,
You should realize he can win it with you!
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11 years ago
I loved this cartoon and still wonder about the lyrics. It is imposible to make it out.
"Mixing it with the ladies man" should actually be
"Mixing with the ladies flare"
Mixing with the ladies fair actually
What does "You should realize he can win it with you" mean. These lyrics have baffled me my wholeee life.
I could never figure out the lines
'Mixing it with the ladies man,
Being charming debonair'.
There was no internet back then. I woke up a 5 am to hear the theme song.
This was my favorite cartoon theme song. It is so happy.
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